Does Collagen Really Work for Better Skin, Hair, and Nails?

Does Collagen Really Work for Better Skin, Hair, and Nails?

What is Collagen & Why is it Important?

Collagen is a vital protein that provides structure and strength to our entire body, including skin, bones, muscles, tendons, hair, and nails. Think of collagen as the framework of a house, holding everything together; collagen is the building block of our entire body.

graphic showing visible change in skin as it correlates to age and declining collagen production

In our youth, collagen production is at its peak, keeping our skin smooth and firm.

But, by our late twenties, collagen production begins to slow down, and this decline continues throughout our lives.

This takes a toll on our joints, muscles, and skin, and we begin to see lines, wrinkles, sagging, and dullness.

Simply put, collagen is vital to maintaining your skin’s health, vitality, and firmness.

Collagen Loss = Visible Signs of Aging

Imagine collagen as a rushing river in our youth, flowing abundantly and nourishing everything in its path. As we age, this collagen river starts to slow down, and by the time we reach our 40s and 50s, the collagen decline accelerates even quicker because the source of the river is drying. This is particularly noticeable for women going through menopause as hormones shift dramatically.

The good news is, you can continue to stimulate your body's natural production of collagen, even after it has started to decline.

Collagen can be sourced from various foods and supplements, offering a range of options to support and restore your body’s natural collagen levels.

Sources of Collagen

Amino acids are the building blocks of collagen. When you consume collagen-rich foods, your body breaks down the collagen proteins into amino acids, which are then used to produce new collagen. 

Here are some examples:

Animal-Based Sources (Direct Sources of Collagen)

Animal-based sources are some of the richest and most direct ways to obtain collagen, as they provide the specific proteins that our bodies use to support skin, joint, and overall health.

  • Bone Broth: Made from simmering animal bones, this is a rich source of collagen.
  • Meat: Especially cuts that include connective tissue, such as beef, chicken, pork, and fish.
  • Fish and Shellfish: Skin, scales, and bones of fish are particularly rich in collagen.
  • Egg Whites and Eggshell Membrane: These parts contain collagen and related nutrients.

Plant-Based Sources (Collagen Boosters)

While plants do not contain collagen, they provide important nutrients that support collagen production in the body.

  • Vitamin C-Rich Foods: Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, limes), Berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries), Bell peppers, Kiwi, Pineapple
  • Copper-Rich Foods: Nuts and seeds (cashews, almonds, sesame seeds), Legumes (lentils, chickpeas), Dark leafy greens (spinach, kale)
  • Proline-Rich Foods: Dairy products, Asparagus, Mushrooms, Cabbage, Wheat germ
  • Zinc-Rich Foods: Meat, Shellfish, Nuts and seeds, Whole grains, Legumes

What About Collagen Supplements? 

Supplements are taken alongside your regular diet to supply additional nutrients that may be lacking from food alone.

When taken consistently, collagen supplements offer many benefits, and have a significant effect on:

Improved Skin Health

Collagen supplements can increase skin elasticity, hydration, and overall appearance. They help reduce wrinkles and promote a youthful glow.

Stronger Nails & Hair

Many people report faster-growing nails and hair with improved strength and less breakage.

Joint and Bone Health

Collagen supports joint flexibility and bone strength, reducing the risk of joint pain and osteoporosis.

Incorporating collagen supplements into your routine can support your body’s natural collagen production, providing targeted support to maintain youthful, healthy skin.

But what exactly are these supplements, and do they live up to the hype?

Understanding Collagen Supplements

Collagen supplements are typically made from animal or fish sources, providing a concentrated dose of this essential protein. 

They contain a range of amino acids that are vital for your body's natural collagen production.

Types of Collagen Supplements

There are different types of collagen supplements, each with unique benefits:

  1. Bovine Collagen: Sourced from cows, and is beneficial for skin, bones, and muscles.
  2. Marine Collagen: Sourced from fish, easily absorbed by the body for skin elasticity and hydration.
  3. Chicken Collagen: Chicken is excellent for joint health and cartilage.
  4. Porcine Collagen: Similar to bovine collagen, supports skin, joints, and connective tissues.

Do You Need Collagen Supplements for Anti-Aging?

Supplements are not a must-have for everyone, but can be a valuable addition to your skincare and health regimen to ensure your collagen river keeps flowing strong throughout your life.

I personally take collagen supplements, but I don’t believe this alone will keep my skin young forever.

Supplements can fill in nutritional gaps to support your body’s natural production of collagen, but they are not replacements for healthy habits.

A balanced diet and a daily, collagen-building skincare routine are also essential to combat signs of aging.

How Does Skincare Fit In When it Comes to Stimulating Collagen Production?

Daily skincare is one of the most valuable tools you can have when it comes to building collagen and fighting signs of aging.

However, it's important to note that topical products cannot deliver collagen directly to the skin because the collagen molecule is too large to be absorbed. Instead, skincare products aim to stimulate the skin cells to produce more collagen on their own.

Skincare products containing ingredients like Retinol, Vitamin C, and Niacinamide can activate collagen production at the cellular level.

These ingredients work by sending signals to skin cells to ramp up collagen synthesis, getting that collagen river flowing again.

If you’re not using a product that gets down to the cellular level and activates collagen production, you are wasting your time and money.

The entire reason for putting skincare products on your face is to get your cells to produce collagen again. This natural production of collagen will help slow down, prevent, and hopefully, even reverse signs of aging.

Preventing & Reversing Signs of Aging With Trifecta

When I formulated Trifecta, I wanted to create an effective skincare routine that stimulates collagen production for the long run, while also being easy enough to use daily and stay consistent.

If you are using collagen-building skincare every day, you will resist and restore aging skin.

If you are not consistent with your routine, then collagen levels will increase for a few days, and then will begin to decline again when you stop.

Trifecta was built around the core concept of consistently getting the body to produce collagen again at a whole new level.

If you are older and already experiencing collagen decline, you can restore your body's natural collagen using food sources, supplements, and a consistent skincare routine.

If you start using Trifecta while you’re young and collagen levels are still high, you can maintain those building blocks for youthful skin, and prevent signs of aging throughout your life.

A synergistic approach is essential to achieve the best results for your skin. 

With a collagen-rich diet, integrating collagen supplements, and a daily skin care routine, you can achieve a comprehensive approach to maintaining and enhancing your skin’s health and appearance.

KaramMD Trifecta



Fight Collagen Loss with Trifecta

It's never too late to commit to an active skincare routine that reverses collagen loss, and Trifecta makes it easy to start.

Trifecta is an innovative three-step solution, that contains everything you need to boost you body's natural collagen production and change the trajectory of skin aging.

At KaramMD we made skincare simple and effective, and then packaged it as a subscription so you can stay on track so you never have to worry about missing a day and losing momentum.

Trifecta is the solution to great skin, and I am here to say, if you are consistent with this routine, and commit to including it as part of your daily self-care practice, you will achieve long-lasting results.

Want to Learn More About Supplements?

I personally use collagen every day as part of my routine, but there are other important nutrients and supplements I include as part of my day-to-day beyond just collagen.

Making sure I have all of these components helps me see noticebale changes in my hair, skin, and overall health, energy, and vitality.

If you are curious about other supplments to improve your skin and boost your anti-aging efforts, check this out.

I go in-depth into other supplements you can incorporate into your skin health strategy, discuss which ones are worth your money, key tips and tricks for incorporating them into your daily regimen, as well as which supplements my wife and I take every day. Enjoy!

Amir Karam MD

Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon
Founder / Creator of KaramMD Skin

Dr. Amir Karam is a renowned facial cosmetic surgeon and an authority in his field. With over two decades of experience helping patients achieve a younger, refreshed appearance. In addition to surgical procedures that sculpt a youthfully-defined facial shape, Dr. Karam takes the quality of the skin into account.



Do you need to take all 4 types of collagen? Also, what brands of collagen do you recommend?
Thank You
KaramMD Skin replied:
Hi DLC—Different brands of collagen offer different variations of thier powders. Dr. Karam uses a popular brand of collagen called Vital Proteins, which has wide variety of supplements broken down by collagen type. For example, if you are looking for the quicker absorption with more focus on hair and skin, you may prefer the benefits from marine collagen, while bovine is a very common choice that they often pair with other ingredients to tailor to specific needs. Other reputable brands like Dr. Axe also have complete collagen blends, that offer all 4 types combines into one supplement. I would recommend doing a little more personal research on which type of protein might be best suited for you. Check the ingredients and look for clean products without lots of fillers. This will also tell you what type of collagen you are getting. Hope that helps!


You should start selling the supplements and vitamins that we need.
KaramMD Skin replied:
Hi Thais—Thank you for your suggestion, we love the feedback and will pass it along to the team! Make sure you are subscribed to our emails so you can get the updates for any future product launches, and if you are subscribed to our texts you might even get a sneak peek! Have a great day!

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