How to Have Great Skin in Your 60s and 70s

women in their 60s and 70s
Have you noticed that some people in their 60s and 70s have incredibly youthful and ageless-looking skin?

Achieving this beautiful skin at any age is entirely in your hands. People in their 60s and 70s have commonalities that contribute to their healthy, fresh skin. I cover this in my Instagram video, “Here’s how to have great skin in your 60s and 70s!”

Let’s take a look into what these commonalities are.

What people have in common whose skin is still beautiful into their 60s and 70s

The health and appearance of your skin are under your control, whether you’re in your 20s or your 70s. I’ve interviewed many people with age-defying skin who are 60 and above, and I’ve found they all have the same things in common that they’ve done consistently throughout their lives: 

  1. Protect their skin from the sun
  2. Follow a healthy diet 
  3. Exercise and live a healthy lifestyle
  4. Get enough sleep
  5. Apply active ingredients to their skin–every day

These are the top five things that will keep your skin fresh and beautiful for years and years. I’m going to get into some details about each one of these points.

Sun Protection

Some exposure to the sun is healthy and gives you the vitamin D your body needs. Most people don’t realize that the amount of time you need to spend in the sun to achieve this is only about 15 minutes, just a few times a week. If you overdo it, you’re damaging your skin.

Aside from smoking, sun exposure is the number one aging accelerator. UVA rays are responsible for the aging effects. Over time, skin cells store sun exposure as cell memories. As we age, the cumulative effect of the sun causes the cells to stop producing collagen and begin to express unwanted, uneven pigmentation.

The cells retain the sun exposure over time as cell memories. The cells that control pigmentation and collagen production begin to express the cumulative exposure to the sun. What we see as a result is collagen loss, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, and other signs of age.

Healthy Diet & Hydration

As the largest organ of the body, the condition of our skin reflects the health of our body. Staying very hydrated and eating healthy, unprocessed, and nutritious foods contribute to the overall health of the body. Healthy foods and plenty of water help to keep the organs and skin in very good condition. 

Exercise helps to boost collagen production, which helps maintain skin structure and vibrancy. At the same time, regular exercise helps increase blood flow and circulation, which in turn brings a higher amount of nutrients and oxygen to the skin. The result is better skin tone and texture.


Getting enough sleep is an important part of skin health. Having enough sleep contributes to bright, beautiful skin, while a lack of sleep diminishes the blood supply to the skin. 7-9 hours of good sleep helps ensure your skin maintains its youthful flush and tone.

Daily Use of Active Ingredients

There is no substitute for using the right active ingredients on your skin that work on the cellular level. Active ingredients reverse or prevent the signs of age, resulting in healthy, beautiful skin. The following ingredients are some of the most vital when it comes to achieving strong, elastic, healthy, and firm skin:

  • Retinoids
  • Vitamin C
  • Growth Factors
  • Niacinamide 
  • Hyaluronic acid

One important point to remember about using these ingredients effectively is that they must be applied to the skin consistently, twice a day.

Why is it important to use proper skincare ingredients consistently, twice a day?

Consistency is key when it comes to any major element of achieving and maintaining healthy skin, and the proper skincare ingredients are no exception.

Active ingredients should be applied to the skin of the face and neck twice every day to achieve optimal results. You will not see results without this level of consistency. Instead, collagen production will diminish again, hyperpigmentation will concern, and your skin will become dull again.

Only with consistency will you achieve clear, luminous, balanced, and healthy skin. 

One of the reasons I bring up consistency is that it can be difficult to be consistent when your skincare routine is complicated. For years, I worked with patients who struggled to be consistent with multi-step skincare routines, too many products to juggle.

It’s almost impossible to be consistent when your skincare routine is incredibly complex.

That’s why I created the Trifecta.

The KaramMD Trifecta

The Trifecta is a simple, three-step skincare program that includes all of the ingredients you need for healthy, beautiful skin. It’s an easy skincare routine you can realistically follow every morning and evening without worrying about time-consuming, complicated instructions. Use on your face and neck and around your eye area twice a day.

The Trifecta is packed with the vital ingredients your skin needs to reverse and prevent the aging process and is clinically proven to achieve youthful, supple, beautiful skin. Its three products are Rinse, Quench, and Illuminate.

Amir Karam MD

Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon
Founder / Creator of KaramMD Skin

Dr. Amir Karam is a renowned facial cosmetic surgeon and an authority in his field. With over two decades of experience helping patients achieve a younger, refreshed appearance. In addition to surgical procedures that sculpt a youthfully-defined facial shape, Dr. Karam takes the quality of the skin into account.


Marcia Sagadore

I watch your interesting videos on YouTube. I wish I could afford to use your products, but they’re much too expensive for me with the additional exchange rate and tax (Canada), especially to use them on any consistent basis. With respect, if your products are advertised under “how to reduce the signs of aging”, why did your wife need a facelift at her age (I watched that video also). Again, if I could afford it, I would have you make me look more youthful, also, because I’m a senior. I’m just wondering, if your wife has access to your products, why did she have surgery? Thank you.
KaramMD Skin replied:
Hi Marcia—Thank you for reaching out and for your feedback! Being on all of the right, high quality anti-aging ingredients can be expensive. An effective system is complicated and requires a lot of components. However, the Trifecta bundles all of those components which actually makes it 2-4 times less expensive than if you were to get all of those active ingredients separately. If maintaing healthy, youthful skin is a priority, Trifecta is a valuable way to help you age gracefully. I understand the exchange rate in international countries can be frustrating, but we hoped by offering free shipping to Canada it would help mitigate some of the cost for our Canadian customers.

As for the surgical side of things, skincare and surgery address two different signs of aging. Skincare is going to help you maintain the quality of your skin, giving you a smoother, brighter complexion with fewer dark spots and fine lines, while surgery specifically addresses face shape. No amount of skincare can prevent or restore sagging skin. While skincare helps boost collagen to delay sagging, eventually skin laxity and sagging is inevitable. We recommend reading the article “Skincare Before Surgery: The Key to Successful Surgical Results” to learn more about how skin health and face shape are two separate sides of aging, and understand more about how Neda’s diligent use of skincare and sun protection were an important piece to her overall results—the surgery was specifically meant to address the sagging and skin laxity side of aging. We hope this helps answer your questions, and thank you for taking time to read the Journal and best of luck in your skincare journey!

Sylvie Gales

Hello Dr Karam I have been following you for about 2 a little more than 2 years I love to hear you wish I could come and visit but that is impossible. I have been using your Trifecta consistently for 2 yrs morning and night. I love them I will never give them up. But I still have a few lines or I should say wrinkles on both my cheeks. Other than that I am ok. I am in my 80 I look younger because of my athletic abilities I do tennis golf Pilates walking I have not been so careful with sunscreen but since I have been using your Trifecta I am using sunscreen. Should I do some shots very little or just leave it. Please advise. Thank you for your time. Sylvie
KaramMD Skin replied:
Hi Sylvie—Thank you so much for your kind words and being a loyal KaramMD customer these past two years. There is no greater compliment than knowing we have lifelong customers like you! It sounds like you have done a fantastic job taking care of your skin up this point, and it’s wonderful to hear how much you love the Trifecta products and that they’ve become an essential part of your skincare routine. Your active lifestyle and dedication to staying healthy is truly impressive and undoubtedly contribute to your youthful appearance, and good job using sunscreen more regularly, as that’s a crucial step in protecting your skin. Regarding the lines on your cheeks, it’s natural to experience a few lines and wrinkles, especially as we age. If you’re considering a little extra help, you could go seek the advice of a medical professional in your area. They can assess your skin and let you know if injections or a light peel would be beneficial for your skin. However, it’s also nice to embrace the results you’ve already achieved with your current routine! Keep up the good work! Your commitment to your skincare and overall health is truly inspiring. If you have any more questions or need further advice, feel free to reach out to customer service anytime.

Customer Support

Hi Eric—All KaramMD products are gentle enough to be used around the eye area (just avoid contact with the eyes themselves). Rinse can be used on your eyes to remove dirt and oils from the lashes, the Vitamin C in Quench does a great job helping to brighten the eye area, while Illuminate will work on those fine lines and wrinkles, while also strengthening the skin and increasing firmness. Hope that helps. Enjoy!

JoAnne Jennings

Hello Dr. Karam,
I will be purchasing the amazing Trifecta very soon. I am soon to be 62 and have been on another type of regimen product for 5 years, but feel as though it is time for a change. I’ve taken good care of my skin since high school. I now live in Arizona and the weather here is brutal. I’d sure love to meet you in person or just have a quick face time and tell me your thoughts on what I can do to improve my skin, but know impossible as you have tons of people in line for you. I love your videos, it helps me understand what not to do in this day and age. Keep up the great work!
KaramMD Skin replied:
Hi JoAnne—Thank for taking time to learn more about Dr. Karam and KaramMD products. We hope you’ve had a chance to try the Trifecta and that you’re loving your results! As for meeting with Dr. Karam, his consultations are primarily focused on surgical intervention rather than skincare, and if that is something you’re interested in you can find out how to book a surgical consultation on his website. If you are looking for more information about skin health, you could look for answers from Dr. Karam on YouTube or through the KaramMD Journal, or if you have specific questions, you could go to a dermatologist and they should be able to help you.


Do I use Trifecta on my eyelids and directly below my eyes?

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