Improve Facial Elasticity: 3 Easy Tips

Ripples on a white background in a skincare product for skin hydration and elasticity.

As we get older, usually as we enter our 40s, we start noticing a loss of skin elasticity. This happens naturally during the aging process because our bodies stop producing as much collagen and elastin as they did when we were young.

Changes in skin elasticity are noticeable because the skin doesn’t stretch and snap back into its usual shape. You might see it while putting on makeup or rubbing your eyes–the skin doesn’t bounce back to the original shape and look right after you move it. 

Loss of skin elasticity causes the skin to sag, wrinkle, or appear leathery. Once elasticity begins to diminish, how can we prevent or reverse this and improve skin elasticity on the face? 

3 Easy Tips for Skin Elasticity

While it might seem difficult to stop time when it comes to aging skin, it is possible to reverse or prevent signs of age.

These simple tips can keep your skin firm and elastic for years to come:

Protect Your Skin From Sun Exposure

Sun exposure is one of the most damaging factors when it comes to reducing skin elasticity. A lack of exposure to the sun pauses and slows down the skin’s aging process.

The difference between patients who have had long-term exposure to the sun and those who haven’t is quite remarkable, resulting in skin that looks years younger for those who have stayed out of the sun. Without sun damage, the skin retains elasticity, luminosity, and youthful radiance. 

Of course, it’s not practical or healthy to stay out of the sun all the time. When you do expose your skin to the sun, it’s vital to protect yourself with a good, broad-spectrum sunscreen that helps prevent the signs of age, blocking both UVA and UVB rays. Get a sunscreen that includes the following qualities:

  • Sweatproof and waterproof
  • Non-greasy and non-comedogenic
  • Zinc and titanium dioxide-based
  • Tinted (allows it to be used as a foundation)

Stay Consistent With Your Skincare Routine

Whether your skin is already losing its elasticity or you’d like to prevent the signs of age from appearing, a great skincare routine is a must. Be sure your skincare products include retinol, which is a very powerful anti-aging ingredient. Retinol increases cell turnover, stimulates the production of collagen, decreases pigmentation concerns, and helps keep your skin luminous and radiant. 

Make Sure You Have Active Ingredients in Your Skincare

Beyond Retinol and Vitamin C, you’ll also want to be sure your products have Peptides, which are a key factor when it comes to retaining elastic, firm skin.

Peptides effectively decrease the loss of elastin, strengthen the skin matrix, and stimulate growth factors and collagen production.

Look for the ingredient Niacinamide as well. Niacinamide also helps to improve the skin's firmness, minimize wrinkles and fine lines, and helps to achieve skin surface immunity by protecting the skin from environmental stressors.

These additional ingredients are also must-haves when it comes to getting the luminous, elastic, and youthful skin you want.

Hyaluronic Acid serum and Lipids add key hydration components to your skin to achieve soft, supple skin and improve skin texture. 

Skincare Products to Bring Back Your Youth: The Trifecta

I wanted his patients to have beautiful, fresh, elastic skin, but there was only so much he could do for them with innovative surgical procedures. Once I realized there wasn’t an effective, easy-to-use skincare line available that really worked to achieve the firm, radiant, youthful skin his patients wanted, I dedicated myself to formulating the Trifecta, a three-step skincare program that contains all the vital ingredients for skin health.

I invested his decades of experience and knowledge over a five-year period of research and clinical testing until he knew the groundbreaking Trifecta would revolutionize the quality of skin for his patients and beyond. After rigorous clinical studies, results showed significant, measurable benefits in every aspect of anti-aging:

  • Firmness improved in subjects–100%
  • Skin moisture significantly improved in subjects–100%
  • Fine lines were visibly improved in subjects–100%
  • Age and dark spots diminished–100%
Amir Karam MD

Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon
Founder / Creator of KaramMD Skin

Dr. Amir Karam is a renowned facial cosmetic surgeon and an authority in his field. With over two decades of experience helping patients achieve a younger, refreshed appearance. In addition to surgical procedures that sculpt a youthfully-defined facial shape, Dr. Karam takes the quality of the skin into account.


Customer Support Team

Hi Sarah,

Dr.Karam does not believe there is any benefit to using GuaSha or similar methods.


What about GuaSha or other techniques that work to improve texture and tone through manipulating fascia? Do you think that could have anti aging benefits?

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